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BT are the founding partner of the British Paralympic Association, and long-time supporter of disabled sport in the UK. We have a longstanding relationship working with BT to leverage their support of Paralympic and disability sport. 

We designed a creative PR and sponsorship campaign strengthening parity of opportunity for Paralympians and driving forward the visibility of Paralympians after the London Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012, and have continued to develop this work in the lead up to and post Rio 2016.

bt campaign great city games


Our leading strategy for BT is focused on using mainstream national media to position them as a leader in the development of disibility sport, and the Paralympic movement in the UK. To this end, we created and implemented a Paralympic Ambassador Programme for BT in the lead up to and throughout the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

We worked alongside champion Paralympic athletes Hannah Cockroft and Jonnie Peacock, future stars Julie Rodgers and Ben Rowlings, and Wheelchair Rugby team members Jim Roberts and Ayaz Bhuta, to deliver a portfolio of strong national media coverage communicating and emphasising BT’s continued involvement in sport in the UK.

The Results

  • In 2016, notable achievements included a wide range of national media coverage, including in The Sun, The Telegraph, The Times, Metro, The Guardian, The Independent, and several regional titles. We also facilitated a number of BBC Media tours in Salford with key Paralympians, with interviews on BBC Breakfast, Radio 4, 5 Live, World Service Radio, Newsround, and regional BBC broadcasts.
  • We planned and event-managed a media trip to Rio with star Paralympian Hannah Cockroft, the BBC, The Telegraph, Metro and The Times in the run up to the Paralympics, which gained consistent ongoing coverage across these key titles before, during, and after the Games.
  • We also created and managed a suite of Paralympic video content for The Sun Online, reaching 3.1m people per day, which ran during Rio 2016.



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